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Newsletter: February 2014

Happy New Year Recipient!

We trust the holiday season has been one of relaxation and rejuvenation for you. It’s hard to believe we’re already half way through the second month of 2014!

In this Issue
  • Our Services: Domain Management
  • Web Form Spam
  • BC’s Media Downloads Module

Google Apps Implementation (advertised in our previous newsletter) will appear in our next issue.

Domain Management

Are you aware that indie.web offers Domain Registration and Management services?

For a small fee (essentially the cost of registering a domain) indie.web can handle your annual domain renewal for you.

Domain Registrar Account Woes

If you currently handle the registration, renewal and configuration of your domain you may have experienced either of the following two most common problems we hear about from our clients:

  • forgotten or misplaced renewal resulting in your website going offline
  • not being able to remember or find the password to access your account (because you only log in once a year)
One Less Account to Worry About

If you've experienced either of the above, consider transferring your domains to indie.web's domain reseller account and letting us handle annual renewals for you.

You'll still own your domain but you won't have to worry about managing an account. You'll simply receive an annual bill from us and we'll take care of the rest.

Interested? Check out our Domain Registration & Management page or contact us for more information.

Website Tips

Web Form Spam

Are you receiving spammy web form submissions or blog post comments?

Spam is an on-going problem that affects anyone who uses the internet. Unfortunately, Business Catalyst website owners are not exempt.

BC has a number of anti-spam facilities that can be implemented to help prevent/reduce spam.

Read our article, Fighting Spam on BC or contact us for more information.

Business Catalyst Corner

The Media Downloads Module

If you’re on Business Catalyst’s webMarketing or webCommerce plan you'll have access to the Media Downloads Module. This module is a simple, easy-to-use tool that enables you to create downloadable content on your website.

The Media Downloads Module supports a wide range of file types and automatically renders the file as a link with an icon representing the file type (this functionality can also be customised).

Check out our article on the Media Downloads Module for more information.

Next Issue

  • Google Apps Implementation
  • ...and other cool stuff


One last thing; we now have our own toll-free number: 0800 INDIEWEB! (0800 463 439) Please feel free to make use of this number when you contact us with questions or job requests.
