Category: website management
Why You Shouldn't List Your Email Address on Your Website

Why You Shouldn't List Your Email Address on Your Website

| 10/08/2017

Seems like a good idea, right? You want potential customers to contact you, so you provide contact details on your website; adding an email address just makes sense... Or does it?

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Optimising Title and Meta Description Length for Display in Google Search Results

| 10/07/2017

One of the primary purposes of title and meta description tags is to control the information that is displayed in Search Engine Results Pages (SERP), the first (and possibly only) encounter that a potential visitor has with your website when using a search engine.

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Business Catalyst's Media Downloads Module

| 07/02/2014

If you're subscribed to Business Catalyst’s webMarketing or webCommerce plan you'll have access to the Media Downloads Module. This module is a simple, easy-to-use tool that enables you to create downloadable content on your website.

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Fighting Spam on Business Catalyst

| 01/11/2013

A number of our clients have reported a marked increase in spam web form submissions over the past couple of months. Business Catalyst offers a number of anti-spam facilities that can be implemented relatively easily to help prevent or reduce spam.

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Business Catalyst's InContext Editing (ICE) Platform

| 17/10/2013

If you've spent any time using Business Catalyst's Page Editor (Site Manager > Pages), you will no doubt have run into the issue of broken layouts.

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Managing Website Content: HTML & SEO Basics

| 27/09/2013

Do you make regular updates to the written and visual content on your website? This is generally a good thing, but depending on exactly what it is that you're doing, and how you're doing it, there are some potential pitfalls.

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Avoid Spaces in Filenames - Use Hyphens Instead

| 27/08/2013

You probably don't give a lot of thought to how you name your files, but there are a number "gotchas" when it comes to how filenames are dealth with on the web.

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